Covid-19 coverage for non-Portuguese speakers

The number of coronavirus infections is increasing in the municipality of Cascais and throughout the country. You can already find much information in English on the situation in Portugal and the regulations related to Covid-19. Portal Cascais will help you keep track of it.

First things first. If you feel you still don’t know what the coronavirus is all about, watch the video below. It explains a lot.

The second important thing is that Portugal has introduced a state of emergency that involves some restrictions. Many facilities, including schools and some restaurants, have been closed, and large gatherings or leaving home without a good reason have been banned, too. Even our favourite beachfront promenade, aka paredão, has also been closed. The emergency state is in effect until April 2, but it is hard to imagine that it won’t be extended.

Portal Cascais wants to keep you well informed during this difficult time. This is where to look for answers.


Real-time statistics

The dashboard created by John Hopkins University will give you up-to-date infection statistics for each country around the globe. You will only need to zoom in on the map to find Portugal there or scroll down the boxes to get the numbers you are looking for.

A very similar site was recently launched by engineers at Bing. Go to Bing Covid-19 for the newest updates for Portugal and its regions.

To follow the infection trajectory for Portugal (and other countries) you will need to see the logarithmic chart by Our World In Data. On the graph they created, you can also observe which country is already flattening the curve of the Covid-19 infection.

Our World in Data – Graphics – Click Here

For the most detailed tracker, you will have to understand basic Portuguese vocabulary related to epidemics. Published by Portuguese authorities Covid19EstamosOn dashboard will provide you with the stats for the municipality of Cascais or any other region in the country. The site is updated every day but data might not be as recent as that on the John Hopkins University website. Before you click on the link below, you may want to know the meaning behind these words: casos confirmados = confirmed cases, recuperados = recovered, óbitos = deaths, casos confirmados por concelho = confirmed cases for municipalities, evolução diária do número de casos suspeitos/confirmados/novos = daily evolution of the number of suspicious/confirmed/new cases


News in English

The municipal council of Cascais published a special Covid-19 feed in English on its website. You will find out, what are the latest measures outlined by the local government, what day the spraying is scheduled on the streets of Cascais or how to get psychological support if you are over 65 or food if your little students are staying home now.

Covid-19 pandemic | Cascais City Council measures – Click Here

The editors of The Portugal News do even 10 stories per day to keep you informed. They also publish their Covid-19 daily recaps quite regularly. We think you might find their article about restrictions on movements in Portugal particularly important.

The Portugal News – Click Here


The Portugal Resident’s website covers all the important news across the country, and you will find there many stories on the coronavirus spread as well. We strongly recommend you to see the one about the impact on tourism.

“It’s time to stop”: Portugal’s tourism board sends powerful message to the world

A non-profit organization Safe Communities Portugal publishes several newswires on coronavirus outbreak every day. Sections like International Travel or FAQ are also on the site.

Situation Reports Portugal

Major incident page

Tiago from a travel blog Go To Portugal will be a good source of information for you, too. He monitors the situation and posts anytime there’s something important to announce.


Other useful resources

You may be surprised to see that the grocery deliveries from online stores are subject to a few weeks wait now. But if you are lucky enough, you will be able to get some of the goods delivered to your door. The site below will guide you through the delivery opportunities in Portugal. It’s in Portuguese, but Google Translate extension in your browser will do the job.


Your washing mashing has just been broken? Paul Charmbury, the British expat from the Algarve, will be happy to help you remotely. We all own his company a Facebook like or a YouTube sub, don’t we?

How to Repair Appliances – Click Here


The CUF Cascais hospital has introduced remote video consultations with its doctors. You can schedule such a meeting over the phone or with the My CUF app. Further information in Portuguese below.

CUF Cascais – Click Here


If you think you might be infected

If you have an emergency warning sign, you should definitely get medical attention. Call the health service number of the Linha Saúde 24 – 808 24 24 24 or send an email at The candidates for Covid-19 testing from the Cascais municipality are examined free of charge at the Congress Centre and the CERCICA Intellectual Disability Center in Estoril. Prior contact with the Linha Saúde 24 is essential though.

Stay safe everyone!

Andrzej Kedzierawski

Profissional journalism and digital marketing

(Born in Poland and lives in Cascais)